Trezor @Login - The Secure Wallet Extension-Gitbook | us

Trezor @Login. The official wallet - GitBook. An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now ready to install. To download and apply the … At the core of lies the …

Getting Started with Trezor Login

Setting Up Your Trezor Wallet

To begin using Trezor, you first need to set up your hardware wallet. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Purchase a Trezor Device: Visit the official Trezor website or authorized retailers to purchase your hardware wallet.

  2. Unboxing and Setup: Once you receive your Trezor device, unbox it and follow the instructions provided to set up your wallet.

  3. Creating a New Wallet: Connect your Trezor device to your computer or mobile device and follow the on-screen prompts to create a new wallet.

  4. Generating Recovery Seed: During the setup process, Trezor will generate a recovery seed consisting of 24 words. Write down this seed and store it in a safe place, as it will be used to recover your wallet in case of emergencies.

Logging In to Your Trezor Wallet

After setting up your Trezor wallet, logging in is a straightforward process:

  1. Connect Your Trezor Device: Plug in your Trezor device to your computer or mobile device using the provided USB cable.

  2. Visit Trezor Login Page: Open your web browser and navigate to the official Trezor login page.

  3. Enter PIN: Enter the PIN code you set up during the initial setup of your Trezor device using the device's touchscreen.

  4. Authorize Login: Follow the on-screen instructions to authorize the login attempt on your Trezor device.

Once logged in, you can access and manage your cryptocurrency holdings securely using your Trezor wallet.

Last updated